Will Aluminum Foil Block Wifi Signal
Re: Which materials block radio waves the most (and why)?: Engineering Query: Date: Tue Feb 26 22: Posted By: Adrian Popa, Director Emeritus, Hughes Research Laboratories Area of science: Engineering ID:.Eg Message: Greetings: Your project sounds very interesting. I have an experiment that you might perform to demonstrate the attenuation (the scientific word for blocking) of radio waves. Radio Frequency Radio waves are electromagnetic waves and travel at the speed of light which is 186, 280 miles per second (983,558,400 feet per second). The voltage in a radio wave alternates back and forth between plus and minus many times per second and we call this the frequency of the radio wave in cycles per second. Scientists have named frequency Hertz (abbreviated Hz) after Heinrich Hertz, a German scientist, who succeeded in transmitting the first radio waves across a room in 1888. Thus when you hear a radio wave has a frequency of one megahertz ( 1 MHz), it means one million (1,000,000) cycles per second. This frequency is usually marked 10 or 100 on the middle of AM (amplitude modulation) radio dials.
A radio frequency of 100 megahertz (100 MHz) means 100 million (100,000,000) cycles per second. This is usually marked 100 on the middle of FM (frequency modulation) radio dials.
Radio Wavelength To understand my answer to your question you must know the wavelength at the radio frequency. Wavelength equals the speed of light divided by the frequency. For a frequency of 1 MHz in the AM radio band the wavelength is: Wavelength at 1 MHz = 983,558,400/1,000,000 = 983.5 feet For a frequency of 100 MHz in the FM radio band the wavelength is: Wavelength at100 MHz = 983,558,400/100,000,000 = 9.84 feet = 118 inches. Radio Wave Attenuation There are two general types of matter (substances) in the universe that affect electromagnetic waves, conductors and insulators which are called dielectrics by scientists. Most, but not all, conductors are metals, such as copper, aluminum, silver and gold.
However, salt water is also a rather poor conductor! Most, but not all, dielectrics are non metals. Examples of dielectrics are paper, plastic, Teflon, glass, ceramic and dry wood. Pure water is a good dielectric substance! Reflection, Transmission and Absorption of Radio Waves Light waves are also electromagnetic waves and I will use them for examples; however, not all materials behave the same way at both light frequencies and radio frequencies. For example cardboard is transparent to radio waves and is opaque (blocks) to light waves. Light waves have a frequency around 500 trillion cycles per second (500 terahertz or 500 THz).
When a radio wave hits a material some of the power is reflected at the surface and some of the power is transmitted into and possibly through the material. If the material is metal, almost all of the radio power is reflected within the first few atoms of the material. A small amount of power is absorbed by the silver atoms and converted to heat. Example: a silvered mirror reflects about 95% of light power and about 95% of radio power and absorbs about 5% of light and radio power. If the material is a dielectric, some of the power is reflected at the surface and some of the power travels through the material Example: Some light reflects from the surface of clear glass and some light travels through the glass.
The same is true for clear glass and radio waves. As the radio wave travels through the dielectric material some of the power is absorbed generating heat and some of the power travels through and comes out of the other side. Example: Light traveling through sun glasses has a few percent reflected at the surface and between 10% and 90% of the light power absorbed in heating inside the glass and a few percent of the power coms out the other side.
Depending on the absorbing material in the glass, the same is true for radio waves. However, the light absorbing material in the glass is usually different than radio wave absorbing material. This power absorption in a dielectric is called the Attenuation Coefficient of the material.
How much power travels through a dielectric depends on both the thickness of the material and its attenuation coefficient. Dielectrics such as cardboard, paper, clear glass, Teflon, some plastics, pure water and many building materials have low attenuation coefficients and radio waves reflect from them and also easily pass through them. Example: You can receive radio waves in most houses made of brick, wood, plaster, wall board, cement etc. Buildings made of metal or metal coated glasses, or steel reinforced concrete, reflect most of the radio energy and you cannot receive radio signals inside of them.
Earth contains many different materials that absorb radio waves and so you do not receive radio waves inside of long tunnels. However, some long tunnels have wires placed through the tunnel to transmit radio waves, so that drivers and emergency vehicles can still hear their radios while driving through them. Experiment Number 1 Now let me discuss metal wire grids such as screens, chicken wire, chain link fences etc. Grids are mostly space with a small amount of wire in them.
What happens to radio waves that they hit a metal grid? The answer depends on the wavelength of the radio wave. If the holes in the wire mesh are greater than one tenth of a wavelength across, most of the radio power passes through them and a small amount is reflected. If the holes in the mesh are one hundredth of a wavelength across or less.
Most of the radio power is reflected and almost zero is transmitted through the grid. At sizes of holes between 1/10 and 1/100 wavelength, different amounts of radio power are reflected and transmitted. When we work with radio transmitters and receivers in the laboratory we often work inside of screened rooms. This way we block out external radio signals and keep in the radio waves that we are working on.
Thus we can have hot or cooled air circulating within the screen room to keep it comfortable and to let the heat generated by the radio equipment escape. For 1 MHz AM radio 1/100 of a wave length is 118 inches For 100MHz FM radio 1/100 of a wave length is 1.18 inches. Experiment Setup: Make 3 boxes or cylinders about 2 feet long and 2 feet wide, one made of chicken wire with very large holes, one made of copper or aluminum screen with small holes and one made of cardboard covered with several layers of aluminum foil with no holes in it. Place an AM/FM transistor radio on a wooden platform in the middle of each box and compare the strength of several strong and weak AM and FM radio stations in open air with the strength of the same stations inside the boxes. Expected Results: Because of the difference in wavelengths you should be able to hear the FM stations and weak or no AM signals inside the chicken wire box. The screen box will probably block most FM signals and all AM stations by reflection. The foil box will block all AM & FM signals by reflection.
Will Aluminum Foil Block A Cell Phone Signal
Experiment Number 2 You could also compare AM & FM signals in a cardboard box, a wooden box and perhaps a glass box (fish tank with a metal lid). The AM and FM radio signals strength should be the same inside and outside of the boxes. You should not be able to receive radio signals inside of an aluminum foil covered box.
Will Aluminum Foil Block Rfid
NOTE: Radio waves are very sneaky and can get through the smallest slits in metal boxes so be sure that you overlap all openings very well or make a double layer covering the seams of the boxes. Also the radios must be battery powered for radio waves can come into the boxes along the power cable. Good luck with your project. Your Mad Scientist Adrian Popa Try the links in the for more information on. MadSci Network, © 1995-2002.
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