Quarantine Game Pc
. Pros Effective single-player emulation of a classic board game experience. Cons Lack of cooperative features. Scenarios feel too similar to one another.
- Dear Abandonia visitors: We are a small team that runs one of the largest DOS Games websites in the world. This is how I would describe Quarantine.
- Dear Abandonia visitors: We are a small team that runs one of the largest DOS Games websites in the world. This is how I would describe Quarantine.
Quarantine Free Download PC Game setup in single direct link for Windows. It is an awesome Indie, RPG, Simulation and Strategy game.
Limited replayability. Bottom Line Quarantine doesn't do enough to differentiate itself from similar titles, and its new features aren't significant enough to sway its target demographic from its analog counterpart.
Several years ago, I was introduced to a board game called Pandemic. I vividly remember the first time playing with friends. Glassy multi-colored cubes represented diseases ravaging the globe and multiple cities standing on the brink of disaster. The dire situation came to a head when a friend stared me down from across the table and asked, 'What will it take to get you to Baghdad tonight?' I quickly realized that we weren't merely playing a game.
We were no longer acquaintances gathered around a trivial assortment of plastic and cardboard. We were members of the CDC making decisions that would affect the lives of millions. This is the experience that 505 Games attempts to replicate in Quarantine, a recently released that demands you save the planet from plagues. Every Quarantine game begins with you choosing a disease to fight. These scenarios differ slightly in terms of how the game unfolds, with one disease potentially spreading more quickly than others, but they carry an element of sameness. Your goal in each game is to keep infection rates at bay by moving your agents across the world, while simultaneously gathering samples of the deadly disease to find a cure. Sadly, each scenario's victory and losing conditions are identical; a little variety in this regard would significantly improve Quarantine's replayability.
Initial Diagnosis Quarantine gives you a choice of specialized roles. The differences between the roles are not very pronounced, as each role is capable of performing the same actions as the others, but with some performing those actions better than others. For example, the medic fights infections better than other classes, while the scientist gathers samples at a quicker pace. However, it ultimately doesn't matter who you start with, as each role can eventually become part of your team. It would be nice to see the roster expand a bit, and feature characters with more varied abilities. That would force me to make weighted decisions about who I want on my team. In addition to your starting role, you can supplement your efforts with a small roster of up to three additional agents who you can hire for a small fee.
Each member has a unique name, portrait, and backstory. This lends a bit of depth to what would otherwise be faceless pawns on a board.
Each agent also has a pair of statistics that set them apart, having either greater speed, allowing them to move faster around the board, or greater health, allowing them to treat more infections before taking a breather. Currently, the agents with more maneuverability seem to be the clear choice, as there currently aren't enough perils to an agent's survivability to make their health a deciding factor. The agents use a rudimentary experience system that sometimes make you reconsider your actions before placing characters in harm's way.
Keeping your team safe and alive transforms them into a force to be reckoned with before long. While the experience system is a nice touch, there is no way to track each agent's progress in terms of how much experience they have earned. Each character becomes more efficient in their assigned role as they level up, but I would've liked to see branching skill trees or some variations in how experience is earned, to help spice things up. Hot Zone A curious addition to Quarantine's mechanics is the mutation counter. As turns progress, a disease has the potential to develop additional strains, making it more difficult to eradicate. While the intended effect is to make the disease feel more adversarial, in practice it just draws out the game. It forces you to work as efficiently as possible, but having some additional consequences attached to this idea could make it more meaningful.
In addition to managing your staff, you must also manage funding and research for your organization. These add extra logistical wrinkles that can factor into your decisions; research can provide blanket improvements to your organization, such as allowing your agents to gain experience more quickly, or find a cure with fewer samples. The game's financial elements aren't particularly thrilling, as there is no real penalty for running out of funds, and having an abundance of cash can solve most of your problems outright.
Random events occasionally pop up, forcing you to decide how to resolve them. These are meant to throw your plans for a loop, as you can never tell when the challenges will appear, but they are essentially irrelevant if you have enough money to throw at them.
On top of that, the limited roster of random events sometimes results in the same problems cropping up multiple times during a single game. Your Quarantine decisions are supposed to impact how future gameplay events play out, but I don't think it's well implemented. While these events can sometimes throw a wrench in your plans, their effects aren't pervasive enough to impact your long-term strategy.
Quarantine boasts an appealing animatic, cel-shaded art style. I wish the same attention to detail was paid to the rest of the game's interface, which is mostly flat and unengaging. That said, it does provide a very clear picture as events unfold on the board. Limited voice work and sound effects help sell the experience, however the music is not very engaging. As you've likely surmised from its screenshots, Quarantine isn't a visually demanding title. The game's Steam page recommends that your PC have at least an Intel Core i30-2125 CPU, a graphics card with 2GB of video RAM, 5GB of storage, 4GB of system RAM, and the Windows 7 operating system. In testing, the game ran smoothly for me, without technical hiccups.
Quarantine also supports Steam Achievements, as well as Steam Workshop. It doesn't, however, support Steam Cloud Saves. Test Case Quarantine has a solid concept that's lacking in terms of content. There needs to be more variety and substance to make Quarantine feel like a well-executed experience.
Some guided narrative or story-based content that lasts more than 30 minutes would be nice, too. There is great potential in creating a virtual Pandemic experience for PC, but this title doesn't realize it.
Quarantine hasn't convinced me that I wouldn't be better off picking up a physical copy of Pandemic and playing it by myself.
I love the controlled chaos of games about fighting disease. They’re a relatively nonviolent form of strategy, forcing the players to confront diplomatic or scientific challenges for the greater good, and, you know, only occasionally deploy paramilitary toughs to kill farmers’ infected cows or crack some rioters’ skulls in the streets. Coincidentally, I’d like to apologize to the people of Havana for this last game of, first for murdering their cows and then also cracking their skulls.
I’m sure the two incidents were unrelated. But, yes: the chaos. I like that games like or Plague, Inc are about laying elaborate plans, then adapting them to a rapidly changing, unpredictable situation.
Quarantine Game Manual
Quarantine, as it entered Early Access last week, is like that in some ways and disappoints in others—but I can see the foundation of a great game here. The strategy at the heart of Quarantine is about identifying which world cities are most at risk, then managing those cities’ health while simultaneously corralling the disease’s spread. A full game plays out in 45 minutes to an hour, a brisk pace compared to many similar board and strategy games. As you progress, you hire new agents to get more actions each turn and establish new bases in order to get more funding.
Meanwhile, the disease gets its own turn, spreading from city to city and intensifying within the cities it’s already present in—though the player doesn’t get much information on how that works or what it means. If enough pips of infected population exist throughout the whole world, you lose. Random events can throw a hitch in your plans.
Perhaps a celebrity will advocate for homeopathic solutions to the disease. In a single turn you might deploy an agent to Havana (sorry, again) to treat the infection there, reducing its pips by a few. Meanwhile, you’ll deploy another to build a base in Bogota so your funding goes up. Finally, you’ll place your last agent to quarantine Dakar, connected to Havana, so that the disease can’t spread to a foothold in Africa.
That base and quarantine cost you money, though—so you’ll have to forego hiring another agent and getting more actions in the coming rounds. Different agents excel at different things, but I found the lack of restrictions on movement in Quarantine makes the game less strategic. At the same time, you’re trying to find opportunities to take time away from slowing the disease down to collect samples that will allow you to develop counters and cures to its various vicious vectors. You win when you’ve used collected samples to synthesize all the disease’s current adaptations—but take too long, and the disease will spawn new traits which must also be researched. Your agents on the map have a few different powers, and are drawn from a limited pool. Medics are good at treating disease, removing more pips of it from a city per treatment action. Scientists are good at sampling, progressing you towards a faster cure.
Diplomats are good at liaising with local governments, getting you cheaper outposts and more funding, faster. My favorite, Security personnel, take less 'stress,' essentially damage, when something goes wrong on an operation. They can stay in the fight longer before having to take a rest, or are less likely to die when you take a risk and something goes wrong. I also like Security because they synergize best with the game’s suite of tech upgrades—with enough treatment bonuses and buffs to their experience gain, Security become your tanks, implementing quarantines to head off possible spread vectors and stopping fresh outbreaks in their microbial tracks. If all of this sounds like board game Pandemic, it is, except Quarantine is more concerned with who gets deployed to do what rather than how they get there.
Random events can throw a hitch in your plans. Perhaps a celebrity will advocate for homeopathic solutions to the disease.
Perhaps riots will break out in the worst-affected cities. Maybe, just maybe, the disease will spread via livestock and require mass culls to slow. These events are fairly rare, happening every few turns, and can inject a bit of chaos—but really only hurt you when you’re riding the razor’s edge between success and failure. Once you find some proven tactics, though, Quarantine’s shallow strategic depth starts to show. As the game stands right now, you can pretty quickly find the solution to any given random start position. Setting up a clear line of defense and treating the worst-hit areas will ride you to victory every time on medium or lower difficulty, making the game a bit of a slog as you work on a cure—the diseases just aren’t dynamic enough to break out of your traps. Hard difficulty provides a more interesting challenge, but even then I was able to get my victories down to an art after four or five tries.
As it is now, Quarantine just doesn’t have enough chaos to provide an ongoing challenge. The diseases don’t do that much you can’t foresee. In other games like these, they’ll spread to a surprise location, cascade disastrously into unexpected regions, or explosively wipe out your base of power.
In Quarantine, as murky as the diseases’ mechanics are to the player, you can pretty much tell where they could go and what they could do—there just isn’t quite enough uncertainty at present. It’s a promising foundation for a brain burning puzzle of a strategy game, and runs without a single hitch, bug, or crash to boot. I’m looking forward to following up with it after a few more months of development and see what all these devious diseases are up to.